Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Texas should fund Planned Parenthood

Texas as one of the biggest states in the United States, its population has been growing rapidly. More and more immigrants keep moving to this state. Texas has become one of the major states in America of its economy in business and agriculture. But healthcare has always been a big issue in this state. According to 2010 data released by the United States Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, Texas has the highest rate of uninsured people of any state. As the population growing in this state, Texas should expand or fund some agencies that help people with healthcare issues.

Planned Parenthood, a non-profit organization that provides services for families, children and especially women. It is an access to affordable care. Its services focus on woman's health like breast and cervical cancer, sexual transaction diseases and especially offers birth control and abortion to uninsured or low income people. Nowadays, the medical costs in some clinics and hospitals are extremely high. That costs can bring many families to very difficult situations. With the low cost in Planned Parenthood and oriented services, it has been helping many people. To have a child is a very important decision in one's life, and it should be very careful and well-prepared. Planned Parenthood offer people who have these needs and help protect women's rights. So I think Texas should fund Planned Parenthood.

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