Monday, July 20, 2015

Republican or Democratic?

On 13 July, 2015, Daniel Hung posted an article" Republican leadership is responsible for many improvements in Texas" on The Daily Texan. Judging by what the article talks about, the author's intended audience is the average citizen. Columnist Daniel Hung has made many contributions to The Daily Texan. He is second year law student from Brownsville. A lot of his articles were very well-rated by audience.

In this article, the author claims that many improvements were made under the leadership by Republicans. Because of this reason, Republican leadership wouldn't end any time soon. Author Daniel Hung supported his arguments by using the evidence from former senior executive editor of Texas Monthly, Paul Burka, who has covered Texas politics for more than 40 years. He said "I would certainly say that Texas has prospered under the Republicans". The author also mentioned that ,"The Rainy Day Fund is bulging with money". Also, "On the economics side, all the news is good". The author talks about the good economy by comparing with California. The author's logic is that Texas' economy has became better since Texas' dominate political party became Republican. Also the pro-jobs Republican policies that makes Texas one of the fastest growing states in America. The author believes that there is still room for improvements from Republican leadership by passing tax cuts for everyone not just for a few.

I agree and disagree with the author's arguments. I think Republican leadership  has made many improvements to the Texas' economy. But since this state's Hispanic and Latino population is growing at a very fast rate. And these people are in favor of Democratic party. So it would possibly shift the political rule soon in the future.

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